I am an emotional intelligence coach, trainer, and speaker. I specialize in helping people get clear about how they want to feel in their lives, where they've abandoned themselves, and how to find their way home—to their own unique and truest expression.
What if you could go through the rest of your life with the knowledge, tools, and support you need to feel the way you want to feel? I believe you can.
My clients are motivated to take an honest look at themselves, identify what’s holding them back, bust through constraints, and step into a higher level of fulfillment in their lives. They are willing to do whatever it takes to feel better about themselves, their relationships, and their careers.
My clients are willing to push past where they currently stand—into the uncomfortable unknown. They do this because they know that something needs to change. They sense that there is more for them out there. That it’s time to show up, shine brighter, play bigger, connect deeper.
And the work they do to transform their lives is stunning to witness.
If you’re tired of the way things are, if you’re willing to do the work, and if you want to laugh a whole bunch in the process, let’s talk.
"Rena is the first person I call when I feel like I've hit a tough spot! She's been instrumental in helping me interrupt self-sabotage and see and realize my potential. She has an incredible gift for hearing what I'm really saying and getting my head clear! Hire Rena if you're ready for transformation while having fun in the process! She's authentic. Brilliant. Passionate. And freakin' hilarious! Read anything she writes. Sign up for whatever she's teaching. She practices what she preaches! In other words, she's AWESOME!" ~Lindsley Hunter, Coach (Los Angeles, CA)